Implementation of nested set design of SQL with Java - Preorder Tree Traversal



Recently, we got a requirement for storage directories and files,the condition is,

  1. Input parameter is the path of the root directory which was unpacked.
  2. The files will not change nor update after unpacked.

The details of the requirement is,

  1. The directories and all its subdirectories and sub-files need to be parsed into a tree structure response to the front end.
  2. When the user clicks on each level of directory, we need to get the files in this directory and all its subdirectories for some business data statistics.
  3. We can only use the MySQL.(Can’t use a graph database.)
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Single Node ElasticSearch and Kibana Installation Instructions



To support the new features, we have added ES nodes. You can configure ES as a single node or cluster depending on the data situation and status; enable Xpack, enable permission authentication (requires Kibana installation).
The official documentation Set up Elasticsearch has installation instructions for each OS, Installing Elasticsearch page provides links to instructions for various installation packages, which can be consulted. This document provides instructions for installing ES and Kibana on a single-node Linux server.

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